Claro Abuela
Claro Abuela
Movistar manifiesto
KFC_ Guarna
Movistar Segundos-HD
Becker Burbujas-SD
Movistar Orquesta 73
Movistar Puma
Becker RR-SD
© D0C70R 7R0Y
Guarna was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He graduated from the Buenos Aires University of Cinema, one of the most prestigious film schools in Latin America. He began his career as assistant director in several feature films and then transitioned to advertising, assisting some of the most acclaimed directors in Argentina and South America.
As a director, one of his first works –a campaign for the Argentinean newspaper La Nación– ended up being shortlisted in the Cannes Festival.
Known for his subtle humor, his great ability to direct actors, and his agile and daring proposals, he successfully continued directing in Argentina, Chile Mexico, and Spain for distinguished clients, including Coca-Cola, Corona, Peugeot, Pepsi, Renault, Unilever, and Kraft.
Several of his works have been internationally awarded in festivals like San Sebastián, the Golden Award in Montreaux, the London International Awards, FIAP, and El Ojo de Iberoamércia, to name a few.
Among his most recent accomplishments, we can find the advertisement “Ballet” for Movistar + Y&R Argenina, which was awarded bronze in the 2013 edition of the Lápiz de Oro (Buenos Aires) and the 2013 Wave Festival in Brazil.
In Spain, he has developed important campaigns for Movistar, including the multi-awarded project “El estadio más grande del mundo” [The Biggest Stadium in the World] (McCann) and the campaign “Fiber Optics” (DDB) with two spots shot in Barcelona and Madrid.